Man with baby

An Important PSA For Parents With 10-Month-Olds

Published: 09/01/2021

Do you ever look back wistfully on pre-parenthood days? You had grand plans for how you were going to raise your little stinker – no screens until age two, cloth diapers every day, homemade baby food purees, a magazine-worthy nursery. But then delivery day came and things got real. 

If you’re harboring feelings of guilt or inadequacy due to unmet expectations, here’s your PSA to let that sh** go. You’ve got bigger fish to fry – like keeping up with your cutie pie who really just wants your love and care anyway! If you’re stressed about working too much, losing your temper, or not being able to afford the latest and greatest for your baby, you can always take time to practically reexamine your goals, schedule, or budget. First and foremost, it’s time to say goodbye to these feelings of shame and regret because – let’s be real— they are only holding you back from being the superhero parent you already are. Kids don’t need a perfect parent, they need a happy one.

Bottom line? You are doing GREAT. The fact that you’re having this inner battle in the first place is proof of that! Forgive yourself, laugh it off, and look for ways you can find balance. Saying “no” to the next social invitation so you can spend time getting caught up at home? Totally acceptable. It's also acceptable to say “yes” if that’s what you need! Treating your kiddo to some TV time so you can have a mental break? It’s not the end of the world. Ordering takeout for the third day in a row? We’ve all been there.

Parenthood upends everything – your routines, household, energy levels. Have grace and compassion for yourself, recognizing just how far you’ve come despite all the twists and turns.


PRO HACK: If all this parent guilt has you in a funk, remember there's no way to be a perfect parent. And a million ways to be a good one.


SUPER PRO HACK: Practice letting yourself off the hook. Try repeating an uplifting mantra during those moments of anxiety and disappointment. Try remembering to get your inner voice to talk to you like you would talk to a close friend. And limit/eliminate the word “should” from your vocabulary to keep your self-criticism in check.