A three-month-old baby. They are smiling.

Baby’s First Year: Month 3 with Your New Baby

Published: 10/04/2024

Ah, magical Month 3! At 3 months your infant is getting stronger, more alert, and starting to show off their personality. From new milestones to those precious first giggles, every day brings new surprises. So, let’s dive into some of the highlights you and your baby have to look forward to in month three. 

Milestone Moments: Your Baby’s Physical Superpowers  

Month three is a time of big leaps in physical development. Get ready to cheer for your little one as they show off newfound strength and coordination: 

  • Rolling Over: Some babies may start attempting to roll over, either from back to front or vice versa. If your little one hasn’t quite mastered it yet, don’t worry — every baby develops at their own pace. Try to encourage tummy time, it will help build the muscles needed for rolling. 
  • Improved Head and Neck Control: Your baby’s neck muscles are getting stronger, which means they can hold their head up more steadily during tummy time or while being held upright. This is a significant milestone, allowing them to interact more with the world around them. 
  • Grasping Objects: Your baby’s reflexive grip is now becoming more intentional. They may start reaching for toys or grabbing your fingers, showcasing their developing hand-eye coordination. Soft rattles or crinkle toys can be a fun way to support this newfound skill. 

Sleepy Time Shifts: Longer Stretches and Naptime Wins 

Sleep may still feel like a rollercoaster, but you’re likely noticing longer stretches of sleep at night and more defined nap times during the day. 

  • Longer Nighttime Sleep Stretches: By three months, some babies are beginning to sleep for longer periods at night — possibly up to 5-6 hours. While it’s not yet time to expect full nights of uninterrupted sleep, any progress in this direction feels like a victory! 
  • Nap Consolidation: You may notice that your baby’s naps are becoming more consistent. Instead of random short catnaps, you might start seeing more regular morning and afternoon naps, giving you a bit more structure to your day. 
  • Sleep Regression Possibilities: Some babies experience a sleep regression around this time, where they suddenly wake more frequently at night or have trouble falling asleep. This is often tied to their rapid development and growing awareness of their surroundings. Stay consistent with your routines and know that this phase will pass. 


Feeding Like a Pro: Efficiency and Curiosity in Month 3  

Month three often brings changes in feeding routines and behavior as your baby grows more efficient and curious. 

  • More Efficient Feeding: Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, you may notice that feedings are becoming quicker and more efficient. Babies at this age can often take in more milk at each feeding, allowing for slightly longer stretches between meals. 
  • Curiosity About Solid Foods: Although it’s still too early to introduce solid foods (usually recommended around 6 months), your baby may begin showing curiosity by watching you eat or trying to mimic your movements. This is a sign of what’s to come, but for now, stick with breastmilk or formula. 
  • Feeding Routines Taking Shape: As your baby’s appetite grows, you might notice a more predictable feeding schedule forming. This can be a relief, offering more structure to your day, but always remember that growth spurts can temporarily disrupt routines. 


Brain Power Boost: Your Baby’s Cognitive Growth 

Your baby’s brain is buzzing with activity! In month three, you’ll see big leaps in attention, recognition, and interaction. 

  • Increased Attention Span: Your baby is becoming more captivated by the world around them and can focus for longer periods. You’ll notice them studying faces, bright objects, or patterns with newfound fascination. 
  • Beginnings of Object Permanence: While true object permanence (the understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of sight) won’t fully develop for a few months, your baby is starting to grasp this concept. They may start looking for a toy that’s hidden or out of view. 
  • Recognizing Familiar Faces and Voices: Your baby is now more attuned to the people around them, particularly recognizing familiar faces and voices. There is nothing like seeing them light up when they see your face or hear you coming. 


Social Butterfly Mode: Laughs, Mimics, and Bonding Time 

The third month is when your baby’s personality begins to shine, and you’ll witness the emergence of new social and emotional behaviors. 

  • Laughing Out Loud: One of the most heartwarming milestones — baby’s first laugh! These giggles are not only adorable but also a sign that your baby is feeling more connected to you and the world around them. 
  • Mimicking Facial Expressions: Your baby is now becoming a master of mimicry. If you stick out your tongue, they might try to copy you! This shows how their brain is learning through observation. 
  • Showing Excitement When Seeing Caregivers: You’ll start to see pure joy on your baby’s face when they see you or other loved ones. They may kick their legs, wave their arms, or squeal in delight when a favorite person enters the room. 


Chatterbox in Training: Language Skills Take Flight 

Language development is in full swing as your baby finds their voice — and they have a lot to say! 

  • More Vocalizations: Your baby is experimenting with different sounds, from coos and gurgles to squeals and laughter. Encourage this by talking, singing, and mimicking their sounds to show you’re listening. 
  • Responding to Their Name: While it might be subtle at first, your baby may start responding when they hear their name. Try calling their name softly when they’re awake and see if they turn toward you. 
  • Babbling Consonant Sounds: Around this time, some babies will start to make consonant sounds like “m” or “b.” These early babbles are the precursors to language, so be sure to engage with them when they “talk”! 


Tiny Moves, Big Skills: Motor Development Fun 

Month three brings growing control over your baby’s body, with more purposeful movements and improved motor skills. 

  • Reaching for Objects: Your baby is gaining better control over their arms and hands, and they’ll start reaching for toys or objects nearby. Encourage this with interactive play — colorful toys, soft books, or sensory balls are great options. 
  • Bringing Hands to Mouth: Your baby is likely discovering their hands and exploring them by bringing them to their mouth. This is a normal and important part of their development and helps them learn about self-soothing. 
  • Kicking and Moving Arms with Purpose: Watch out — your baby is becoming more active! They’ll kick their legs, wave their arms, and move with more intention, especially when excited or playing. 


Playtime Activities for Tiny Tots  

Playtime becomes even more fun in month three, as your baby is ready to engage more actively with you and their environment. 

  • Interactive Games: Simple games like peekaboo are sure to bring lots of smiles and laughter. Your baby is now starting to understand basic cause and effect, so these playful interactions are both fun and developmental. 
  • Introduction to Simple Toys: Soft, lightweight toys that make noise or have different textures are great for engaging your baby’s senses. Encourage them to reach, grasp, and explore. 
  • Outdoor Experiences: If you haven’t already, now is a great time to introduce your baby to the great outdoors. Fresh air, new sounds, and different environments provide wonderful stimulation for their growing senses. 


Healthy and Happy: Your Baby’s Wellness Check 

Your baby’s third month brings a few important health milestones, so be sure to stay on top of their wellness routine. 

  • Three-Month Check-Up: At your baby’s three-month visit, the pediatrician will check their growth, assess developmental milestones, and answer any questions you have. It’s a great time to discuss any concerns you may have about feeding, sleep, or behavior. 
  • Vaccination Schedule: Your baby will receive another round of vaccinations, following the recommended immunization schedule. These shots help protect them from serious illnesses, so be sure to stay on track with their appointments. 
  • Common Health Concerns: Some babies experience minor health issues, such as drooling (a sign that teething may be on the horizon), reflux, or gas. If you’re ever unsure, give your pediatrician a call. The only thing they know better than babies is new parents! 

Parenting Like a Pro and Juggling It All 

Parenting a three-month-old can be both joyful and demanding, especially as your baby becomes more active and aware. 

  • Finding Balance: It’s easy to feel pulled in multiple directions, whether you’re balancing work, home responsibilities, or other children. Try to establish a flexible routine that allows for one-on-one time with your baby while also meeting your other obligations. 
  • Coping with Crying: Some babies may cry more around this time as they adjust to new stimuli or deal with minor discomforts. Stay calm, and remember that soothing techniques like swaddling, rocking, or gentle singing can help. 
  • Preparing for Childcare: If you’re planning to return to work soon, now might be the time to start thinking about childcare options. Whether you’re considering a daycare, nanny, or family help, begin your research and trial runs early to ease the transition. 

Safety First: Babyproofing and Beyond 

As your baby becomes more active, safety is an ongoing priority. 

  • Babyproofing for a More Mobile Infant: While your baby may not be crawling yet, now is a good time to start thinking about babyproofing your home. Install outlet covers, secure furniture, and keep small objects out of reach. 
  • Safe Sleep Reminders: Continue following safe sleep practices, including placing your baby on their back to sleep, using a firm mattress, and keeping the crib free of blankets and toys. 
  • Car Seat Adjustments: As your baby grows, you may need to adjust their car seat to ensure a safe, comfortable ride. Make sure the straps are correctly positioned and that the seat is installed securely. 


Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Parenting Wins!  

Month three with your baby is a time of discovery and growth, filled with first laughs, new skills, and deeper connections. As your baby continues to grow and develop, so does your bond. Take the time to savor these sweet moments, trust your instincts, and know that you’re doing an incredible job. 

Planning ahead? Here’s what you can expect for month four with your tiny human. As seasoned parents ourselves, we work hard to share valuable information that will make taking care of your little one as easy as possible. For more tips and tricks on all things baby care, check out our blog.  

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