A six-month-old baby, playing with blocks.

Baby’s First Year: Month 6 with Your New Baby

Published: 11/01/2024

Welcome to month six, where your little one is bubbling with energy, curiosity, and some serious skill-building! If it feels like they’re learning something new every day, it’s because they are!  

At Hello Bello, we’re parents too, and we know this stage can bring a mix of joy, laughter, and maybe just a little chaos. As your baby becomes more mobile and independent, we’re here to help you navigate each new milestone with tips and tricks to make life a little easier (and a lot more fun!). 

Let’s dive into all the exciting changes month six brings—from physical skills to cognitive leaps, feeding adventures, and everything in between! 

Physical Development: Strength, Coordination, and New Moves 

Sitting Up Like a Pro: 

Your baby may start sitting up unassisted for longer stretches, giving them a new perspective on the world. With stronger core muscles, they’re able to balance better and interact with toys and loved ones in a whole new way. Keep a cozy cushion or two nearby just in case and let them enjoy their newfound independence.  

Building Core Muscles: 

With more tummy time and practice, your little one is developing the strength to start pushing up on hands and knees, which means early scooting or even crawling attempts might not be far behind. Create a safe and open space for them to practice and cheer them on—those mini push-ups are hard work! 

Exploring Movement Control: 

With improved coordination, your baby is learning to reach, grab, and pass objects with more precision. Interactive toys like stacking rings and soft balls are perfect for helping them practice these newfound skills. 

Sleep Patterns: Finding a (Slightly) More Predictable Rhythm 

Consistent Sleep Cycles: 

At this age, many babies start to settle into more predictable sleep patterns, with longer nighttime stretches (hopefully!) and more structured nap schedules. To support these rhythms, keep up with a consistent bedtime routine—soft music, dim lighting, and a warm bath can work wonders. 

Progress with Nighttime Sleep: 

Some babies begin sleeping longer through the night around this age, though every little one has their own schedule. If nighttime wake-ups are still happening, try to stay consistent with your approach, whether it’s gentle soothing or keeping the room dark and quiet to signal sleep time. 

Adjusting Nap Schedules: 

With all their new activities, your baby’s nap schedule might shift a bit. Typically, two to three naps a day become the norm, and each nap may be longer and more refreshing. Watch your baby’s cues to find the rhythm that works best for them (and you)! 

Feeding Developments: Expanding the Palate with Solid Foods 

Introducing Solid Foods:

At last— the exciting adventure of solid foods begins. Around six months, many babies are ready to start sampling new flavors and textures. We recommend beginning with soft purees, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, or apples. However, of course it’s always best to consult your pediatrician for specific recommendations on introducing solids and any potential allergens. 

Self-Feeding Fun: 

Your baby may start trying to hold their food or reach for the spoon—messy but adorable progress! Finger foods like soft-cooked veggies or tiny banana slices can be a fun way for them to experiment (with you close by, of course). Letting them explore with food is a great way to encourage self-feeding skills. 

Balancing Milk and Solids: 

Although solids are exciting, breastmilk or formula should still be the main source of nutrition. Aim to offer milk first, then solids to ensure they’re getting everything they need to support their growth. 

Cognitive Growth: Discovery and Learning Unfold 

Early Problem Solving: 

Your baby is starting to figure things out, like how to reach a toy that’s just out of grasp. They’re building problem-solving skills with every curious reach and every triumphant grab. Placing toys just out of reach encourages them to work on these skills while staying engaged. 

Peek-a-Boo, Object Permanence Style: 

Peek-a-boo isn’t just for giggles—it’s helping your baby learn object permanence, or the idea that things still exist even when they can’t see them. This is a big cognitive step, and it’s a fun game that builds their sense of security as they start to understand their world a little better. 

Growing Focus and Attention: 

Your baby may spend longer periods concentrating on toys, books, or activities. This is the perfect age to introduce simple stories and interactive toys that encourage them to explore cause and effect. 

Social and Emotional Progress: Big Feelings and Family Connections 

Stranger Awareness: 

You may notice your baby showing shyness or even anxiety around unfamiliar faces. This is a normal stage as they become more aware of who’s familiar and who isn’t. Give them time to warm up to new people and let them know you’re close by for reassurance. 

Reaching Out for Affection: 

Expect lots of cuddles and snuggles—babies around six months may start reaching out for comfort, showing their growing bond with you. Soak in these moments of connection; they’re helping your baby build trust and security. 

Responding to Emotions: 

Your little one is picking up on emotions and may respond with smiles, giggles, or concern when they sense your mood. This growing empathy is a sign of their emotional development, so keep the smiles and laughs coming! 

Communication Skills: Babbling, Mimicking, and Early Words 

Babbling in Full Swing: 

This month, your baby’s babbling may start sounding more purposeful, almost like they’re practicing a new language! Respond to their “conversations” to encourage language development. 

Imitating Sounds and Tones: 

Your little one is becoming a master mimic, trying out different tones and sounds. They may even try to repeat simple sounds they hear from you. Make it a game by repeating their babbles or introducing new sounds for them to try. 

Recognizing Familiar Words:

By now, some babies recognize words like “mama,” “dada,” or even their own name. Say these words often to reinforce recognition and watch their face light up when they hear something familiar. 

Motor Skill Advancements: Ready, Set, (Almost) Go! 

Crawling Practice Begins: 

Whether it’s scooting, army crawling, or full-on baby push-ups, your little one might be gearing up to move. Encourage this stage by placing toys at varying distances to encourage them to reach, push, and inch closer to full-on crawling. 

Refining Their Grip: 

Your baby’s hand control has come a long way! They may be able to pick up small objects with a more precise grip, so this is a great time to introduce toys that encourage hand-eye coordination. 

Testing Their Strength by Pulling Up: 

Some babies may try to pull themselves up with support—a preview of standing and walking to come! Help them practice safely and let them explore their budding mobility. 

Playtime and Activities: Sensory Fun and Hands-On Exploration 

More Interactive Games:

Your little one’s sense of humor is developing, so interactive games like peek-a-boo and clapping games will have them giggling in no time. Try adding fun variations to keep it engaging! 

Developmentally Friendly Toys: 

Toys that encourage movement, like rolling balls or colorful stacking rings, are perfect at this age. They support motor skills and provide opportunities for problem-solving.  

Exploring with the Senses: 

Different textures, sounds, and colors stimulate your baby’s senses. Soft plush toys, crinkly books, and rattles keep them entertained while also supporting sensory development. 

Health and Wellness: Teething, Tummy Troubles, and Staying Healthy 

Teething Intensifies: 

As teething picks up, you might notice more drooling and occasional fussiness. Safe teething toys, a cold washcloth, or teething gel can help soothe sore gums. 

Introducing Allergens (Safely!): 

If recommended by your pediatrician, now may be a good time to introduce common allergens like peanuts or eggs in tiny amounts. Always consult a healthcare provider and watch closely for any reactions. 

Skin Care for Teething Rashes: 

With extra drooling, you may notice some skin irritation. Use gentle, hypoallergenic products like Hello Bello’s baby wipes to keep baby’s face clean and help prevent rashes. 

Parenting Adjustments: Prepping for a Mobile Baby 

Early Babyproofing: 

As your little one starts to scoot or crawl, it’s time to get serious about babyproofing. Cover electrical outlets, secure furniture, and make sure small objects are out of reach. Your baby’s growing curiosity means it’s best to think ahead when it comes to safety. 

Balancing Work and Baby Time: 

Your baby’s demands for attention are likely growing. Setting small blocks of focused time for work, self-care, and baby play can make all the difference in balancing it all.  

Finding a Routine That Works: 

With all the new changes, flexibility is key! Establish routines that work for both you and baby, knowing that things may need to adjust as they keep growing. 

Looking Ahead: Month 7 and Beyond 

Month six is full of milestones, and if you’re already wondering what’s next, check back soon for our month seven guide. We’ll cover even more exciting developments as your baby moves closer to crawling, standing, and all the joys that come with more mobility. For more tips and tricks on all things baby care, check out our blog.  

Bonus Tip: Make your life just a little bit easier and sign up for our diaper subscription service! You’ll get:  

  • 7 packs of diapers 
  • 4 packs of plant-based wipes 
  • 15% off additional items 
  • Craft-able, recyclable boxes every month 
  • Full-sized freebie with 1st purchase 

You can mix and match your diaper designs, choose your shipping details, and cancel your subscription at any time. Did we just make diapers… fun?