An eight month old baby, crawling

Baby’s First Year: Month 8 with Your New Baby

Published: 11/29/2024

Let's walk through Month 8 together, mama! Grab that coffee (probably your third today?)—because this is when babies transform into tiny acrobats determined to touch, climb, or taste everything in sight. Welcome to the stage of padded living rooms and constant squats from retrieving little ones who've discovered the joy of "furniture diving." 

Together we'll explore everything this month throws our way—from the exciting milestones to those rare moments when they actually sit still long enough for cuddles. We'll share all the real-talk tips and tricks for navigating this wonderfully exhausting stage with more confidence and hopefully a few laughs. Because between the crawling adventures and cheerios mysteriously appearing in our bras, we're all in this beautiful chaos together.  

Physical Development: Cruising, Standing, and Dexterity 

Cruising Along the Furniture:

If your baby’s pulling themselves up and using furniture to balance, congratulations—you’ve got a cruiser on your hands! Cruising is a big step toward walking, as it helps them strengthen their legs and improve balance. Create a safe space for them to practice by securing any furniture that could tip over and ensuring no sharp corners are within reach. 

Moments of Independent Standing:

You may catch your baby letting go for a few brave seconds, standing on their own before they plop down again. These brief moments of independence are a sign that they’re building confidence and muscle strength. Cheer them on and have the camera ready for those adorable first attempts! 

Refining the Pincer Grasp:

Around eight months, babies start perfecting their pincer grasp, using their thumb and forefinger to pick up small objects. This newfound skill lets them explore new textures and practice self-feeding. Introduce safe finger foods and encourage this milestone by offering small, easy-to-hold snacks under your supervision.  

Sleep Patterns: Settling (Hopefully) into a Routine 

Finding a Sleep Rhythm:

By Month 8, many babies settle into more consistent sleep patterns, with longer nighttime stretches and regular naps. Stick to a predictable bedtime routine to help support restful sleep. A calming bedtime sequence can ease them into sleep, even if they’re going through a fussy period. 

Navigating the 8-Month Sleep Regression:

Some babies experience a sleep regression around this age, often due to their rapidly developing mobility and curiosity. If sleep disruptions start cropping up, try to keep soothing methods consistent, and consider adding a few extra minutes of cuddling before bed.

Adjusting Nap Times:

As your baby becomes more active, they may start showing signs of needing fewer naps, usually transitioning from three to two daily. Follow their cues and see if adjusting nap lengths or timing helps with nighttime sleep.  

Feeding Developments: Exploring New Foods and Self-Feeding

Encouraging Self-Feeding:

Your baby might start showing more interest in feeding themselves. Soft finger foods like small pieces of cooked vegetables or ripe fruits are ideal for practicing hand-to-mouth coordination. Encourage self-feeding as much as they’re interested, but keep small choking hazards out of reach!  

Expanding Flavors and Textures:

At eight months, babies are usually open to trying new tastes and textures. Introduce gentle spices, different food textures, and a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains to keep meals exciting. It’s a great age for exposing them to a wide array of flavors that support balanced nutrition. 

Introducing a Sippy Cup or Open Cup: 

Now is a good time to try introducing a sippy or open cup with water (if recommended by your pediatrician). Offer small amounts during meals to help your baby practice this new skill—it’s messy, but a fun milestone toward independence! 

Cognitive Growth: Curiosity, Problem-Solving, and Memory 

Curiosity Takes Over:

Your little explorer’s curiosity is peaking, and they’re eager to investigate everything within reach. Create safe spaces for them to explore independently, with toys or household items like plastic measuring cups that encourage safe play and discovery.

Problem-Solving Skills Develop:

Your baby’s mind is working overtime to figure things out. They might be testing their problem-solving skills by moving toys closer, retrieving them from tricky spots, or manipulating objects. Support this development with interactive toys or games that challenge their curiosity and build confidence. 

Understanding Object Permanence:

Peek-a-boo never gets old for an eight-month-old! Babies this age understand that objects and people exist even when out of sight, making games like hide-and-seek with toys more exciting. This understanding brings comfort and helps strengthen their sense of security.  

Social and Emotional Growth: Bonding, Preferences, and Play 

Growing Attachment and Stranger Anxiety:

Your baby may show shyness around new faces while becoming increasingly attached to you and familiar caregivers. This is a natural sign of healthy attachment. Give them extra comfort and support when they’re feeling unsure and be patient as they adjust to new situations. 

Expressing Clear Preferences:

From toys to foods, your baby may begin showing distinct likes and dislikes. They might even have “favorite” toys that they gravitate toward. Respecting these preferences helps build their confidence and gives them a sense of control in their little world. 

More Interactive Play:

Your baby is now more engaged in playtime and may even initiate interactive games like clapping, waving, or handing you toys. These early social interactions are an important part of their emotional growth, so join in and keep the fun going! 

Communication Skills: Babbling, Gestures, and First Words 

More Babbling and Vocalizing:

Your baby’s babbling is starting to sound more like real words, with distinct sounds and intonations. Encourage this development by talking to them throughout the day and repeating simple words they seem interested in. 

Recognizing Names and Words:

You may notice that your baby responds to their name, as well as a few familiar words like “mama,” “dada,” or even “no.” Reinforce these early language skills by using these words often and pairing them with gestures.  

Using Simple Gestures:

Babies at this stage may begin waving, clapping, or even pointing. These gestures are early communication tools that help them express themselves. Responding to their gestures with enthusiasm reinforces their budding communication skills.  

Motor Skill Advancements: Confident Crawling and Early Standing 

Crawling with Confidence: 

If your baby was scooting before, they may now be fully crawling with purpose—covering ground quickly to reach a toy or find you in another room! Create safe, babyproofed areas that allow them the freedom to explore while minimizing hazards. 

Standing with Support:

Holding onto furniture or using push toys, your baby may be practicing their standing skills. They’re strengthening their legs and improving balance, all of which leads toward those first steps. Help them practice with safe, stable surfaces to hold onto. 

Improved Coordination: 

With each passing day, your baby’s coordination is improving, allowing them to manipulate toys, turn pages in board books, or stack soft blocks. Offer toys that encourage these movements and celebrate their growing confidence. 

Playtime and Activities: Engaging, Interactive, and Sensory-Rich

Push Toys for Early Walking Practice: 

Push toys are great for babies learning to stand and cruise. Look for sturdy options that encourage movement without moving too fast. These toys support motor skills while giving your baby a sense of achievement.  

Exploring Shapes, Textures, and Sounds: 

Introduce toys that let your baby explore different textures, shapes, and sounds. Items like stacking rings, textured books, and soft blocks provide endless entertainment and are ideal for sensory exploration. 

Songs and Interactive Games: 

Songs with hand motions, like "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or "The Wheels on the Bus," are hits at this age. Babies love the anticipation and engagement these games offer, which help develop memory, rhythm, and coordination.  

Health and Wellness: Teething, Nutrition, and Safe Exploration 

Teething Troubles Continue: 

Teething can be ongoing at this age, so you may need to keep soothing techniques at the ready. Cold washcloths or gentle teething rings can help soothe sore gums, especially during those extra fussy moments. 

Balanced Nutrition:

As your baby’s intake of solid foods increases, continue offering a balanced variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein sources. However, breastmilk or formula should still provide most of their nutrition. Talk with your pediatrician for personalized guidance on your baby’s diet. 

Promoting Safe Exploration: 

Encourage your baby’s motor skills with safe spaces for movement and exploration. Soft mats or rugs can create a comfortable play zone where they can crawl, stand, and practice coordination without the risk of hard falls. 

Parenting Adjustments: Babyproofing, Balancing, and Bonding 

Advanced Babyproofing Tips: 

As your baby’s mobility increases, expand your babyproofing efforts. Secure heavy furniture to walls, block off stairs, cover sharp corners, and ensure any small objects are out of reach. A little planning helps keep your home a safe space for curious hands and feet. 

Coping with Baby’s Independence: 

Your little one’s newfound mobility may mean they’re more interested in exploring than cuddling! While independence is natural, keep bonding moments like story time, cuddle breaks, or a favorite lullaby in the mix. 

Balancing Time for Self-Care:

With a more active baby, finding time for yourself can be tricky. Whether it’s a coffee break during naptime or a quick workout, small self-care practices help you recharge and keep up with your little adventurer. 

Looking Ahead to Month 9 

Planning ahead? Here’s what you can expect for month ten with your tiny human. As seasoned parents ourselves, we work hard to share valuable information that will make taking care of your little one as easy as possible. For more tips and tricks on all things baby care, check out our blog.   

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  • 7 packs of diapers 
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